August 28, 2013

People Engagment

How to engage your team or tribe to your vision & goals and increase their engagement levels has always intrigued me.
People are engaged when there is something in it for them - monetary benefits, passion for the work/cause, growing their networks, a point on their resume/profile and few are generally excited and kicked about the idea of building something of value.
While it might be one thing to engage people when they are professionally committed (full-time jobs/careers), it is a completely different game when it comes to engaging teams in a volunteer set up.
As I have thought through, read and also learned about it while working with an awesome team - all of us love our alma mater, here are a few things I have realised.
  • Give the team the bigger picture
  • Make them understand how their contributions connect to the bigger picture of the team and organization
  • Provide them all the support & help
  • Be quick & proactive in your communication
  • Have regular follow up's and interactions
  • Give them total responsibility - make them the owners
  • Recognize and appreciate their good work and efforts
  • Get regular feedback
  • Connect with them at a non-work related level and understand their interests, passions etc
  • (Will add to the list - as and when I learn/realize something more)
I plan to write about some/all of the above topics in my subsequent posts.
But I am equally interested to know how you have increased your teams/tribes engagement levels or any thoughts on this topic. Will be happy to hear/read/discuss them.